At Six Years Old, Bittyman:
- Has brought home two perfect report cards, "excelling in all academic areas... reading and writing at an advanced level and articulates information very well..."
- Has 100% average on his weekly spelling tests.
- Earned the role of "Bug Master of Ceremonies" in next month's Kindergarten play.
- Never. Stops. Talking.
- Favorite movie is Star Wars.
- Has lost his bottom two teeth.
- Is a Baltimore Ravens fan (our only obvious parenting mistake thus far).
- Can swim the length of our community pool.
- Bowls a 220... on the Wii.
- Weighs 45 pounds.
- Operates the computer almost as well as Daddy.
- Has been riding a two-wheeler for a few months.
- Would eat brats, corn-on-the-cob and strawberry shortcake for dinner every night if I served it.
- Loves all things Legos, Army and Playmobile.
- But loves Ittyboy more than all his toys combined and recently asked me, "Mom, if Dad loves you, why doesn't he fertilize your eggs so I can have another baby brother?"
(Did I mention he's only turning 6?)
Happy Birthday, Bittyman. It was a blink ago that you were just a bitty baby. And now you are an amazing boy with a heart overflowing with love and a brain that is bursting with potential. I am so blessed to be your Mom.