It was a whirlwind Holy Week, Triduum and Easter. In the past 7 days:
- Christopher was diagnosed with an ear and sinus infection.
- Our vacuum cleaner broke.
- A water leak appeared in the wall between the water manablock and the boy's bedroom, thus flooding their bedroom. (OK, so it 'appeared' only after Dan tried to anchor a bookcase into the wall... but the darn stud finder thought that pipe was a stud!)
- A tire separated on our Nissan Altima and needed immediate replacement. (Thank the Lord for Costco tire service.) Then the Altima failed the state smog test. (The car is being dropped off at the dealer tomorrow. Pray for a cheap fix, please.)
- I tripped coming down the stairs rolling my ankle, severely bruising my knee and broke or sprained my middle toe (don't know for sure - haven't had time for an x-ray).
- I undertook a frantic search for flat, comfortable (and affordable) shoes I could stand in for countless hours of cantoring. (Sadly, I had already bought the cutest heels to match my Easter dress!)
- Discovered our Wii broke after I busted my foot and needed a way to occupy the boys inside since I could hardly walk, let alone carry or run after a sprinting Ittyboy out in public.
- Dan played the funeral Mass for a family friend who passed away after a long illness.
- I cantored for the Good Friday service, Easter Vigil and 2 Easter Morning Masses (plus attended several rehearsals earlier in the week).
In spite of all the stress, we had an absolutely wonderful Easter. Probably even more meaningful than had we not had these small crosses to bear. As I venerated the cross after the Passion service on Good Friday, my 'problems' were immediately put into perspective. The Easter Vigil was especially moving hearing the Exsultet beautifully chanted by a Dominican Priest who serves our Diocese, regularly presiding at the Shrine where both Dan and I are musicians. And it was a thrill to have brass, strings and timpani in addiction to the usual organ/piano accompany me for the Easter morning Masses.
My Lenten journey was very fruitful. I gave up a lot of 'noise' in my life - all talk radio, FOX News channel, reading political blogs - and limited my time online. After my initial panic of being so disconnected, it was amazing was how much my overall stress level decreased. (Not to mention how happy the Heroes were since Mommy wasn't ignoring them to facebook , how clean my house became and how many times that dusty Bible sitting on my nightstand was actually read.)
I'm going to continue giving up most of the 'noise' I gave up during Lent... with the exception of
Glenn Beck. I
really missed watching Glenn. And I will be blogging more often again. (But if you want the most immediate news on the Heroes, friend me on facebook if you haven't already!)
Our family hopes everyone had a Blessed Easter Sunday! Remember, the Easter season lasts 50 days - which is a good thing since Bittyman just reminded me that we forgot to dye Easter eggs!